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Education Journey brings together the most innovative market partners on one platform
AluraAlura is a Brazilian online education platform offering a wide range of courses in technology, design, business, and personal development.
PortugueseNo subtitles
UbitsA comprehensive tool for personal and organizational development. On the Ubits platform, users will find top-level partners and advanced analytics, providing the necessary boost.
EdXedX is an online learning platform offering a variety of high-quality courses taught by renowned educational institutions from around the world. The platform aims to provide global access to university and professional courses.
EnglishNo subtitles
iPEDiPED is the largest course website in Brazil with over 5 million students and a new student every 20 seconds. Don't miss the opportunity to improve your resume, choose your course, and start changing your life now.
PortuguesePortuguese, English, Spanish
MentorflixA video platform for developing soft skills with some of the most renowned CEOs in the market and personalized mentoring programs for your company.
PortuguesePortuguese, English, Spanish
Trillio AcademyWe are an academy that develops the most relevant skills for your team's and your company's professional success.
CrehanaCrehana is an online learning platform offering courses in various creative fields such as design, illustration, programming, digital marketing, photography, among others.
SpanishPortuguese, Spanish
FuturizeThe best streaming of content on Sales, Business Management, Professional Life, and Career with over 2500 minutes of content for your evolution.
PortuguesePortuguese, English, Spanish
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